Saturday, April 10, 2021

Slim Jim

The Slim Jim is an adaptation of a Jimi Hendrix-spec fuzz face.  It's been adapted to fit a 1590A, with a single knob for volume.

The volume pot is board mounted and will take a bit of modification (clipping the pins) to make sure they don't touch other rails as they will need to be mounted and soldered on the copper side.  A little tricky, but it can be done.

For transistors, i got a nice sound out of some BC337's with HFE from 215-250, but they also generated some noise.  Socket, and try BC107A, BC108A or BC182L, and aim for HFE's around 200.

Look for low-profile electrolytics & 1/8W resistors which will help save space as well.

True bypass wiring (with battery)


True bypass wiring diagram (without batter)


MXR Dyna Comp - LM13700

Adapted to use the newer LM13700 as the CA3080 is now obsolete and hard to find.

For those intent on building the original, Smallbear carries some reissue CA3080's here.
You can also find a layout of the original here.

EQD - Tone Job

Adapted from pedalpcb schematic. 

Uses two TL072's (vs TL074 in the original) so you can sub in some nicer opamps.

Slim Jim

The Slim Jim is an adaptation of a Jimi Hendrix-spec fuzz face.  It's been adapted to fit a 1590A, with a single knob for volume. The vo...