Saturday, April 10, 2021

Slim Jim

The Slim Jim is an adaptation of a Jimi Hendrix-spec fuzz face.  It's been adapted to fit a 1590A, with a single knob for volume.

The volume pot is board mounted and will take a bit of modification (clipping the pins) to make sure they don't touch other rails as they will need to be mounted and soldered on the copper side.  A little tricky, but it can be done.

For transistors, i got a nice sound out of some BC337's with HFE from 215-250, but they also generated some noise.  Socket, and try BC107A, BC108A or BC182L, and aim for HFE's around 200.

Look for low-profile electrolytics & 1/8W resistors which will help save space as well.

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Slim Jim

The Slim Jim is an adaptation of a Jimi Hendrix-spec fuzz face.  It's been adapted to fit a 1590A, with a single knob for volume. The vo...